

政治学助理教授 获取联系信息


政治科学 全球研究


帕特里夏·C. Rodda is the 政治学助理教授 at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 in 沃基肖, Wisconsin. 她教国际关系, 比较政治学, 国际法, 冲突,安全和政治理论. Her research often focuses on vulnerable populations and the challenges they face seeking human rights protections. She is currently working on a new book project that investigates the institutions and interests that facilitate or obstruct the adoption of women’s rights in Muslim-majority states.


  • 加州大学, 欧文博士, 政治科学
  • Marquette University, MA, 国际 Affairs
  • 汉诺威学院,文学士,国际研究


国际 Relations; Comparative Politics; 国际 Law; Refugees and Asylum; Human Rights; Vulnerable Populations; LGBTQ Rights and Policy



帕特里夏·C. 罗达和查尔斯·安东尼·史密斯. 2019. “Stateless Refugees and Victims of Human Trafficking in the European Union.” In Emerging Threats to Human Rights: 资源, Violence, and Deprivation of Citizenship,希瑟·史密斯-坎诺伊主编.). 天普大学出版社.

“Decision-Making Processes and Asylum Claims in Europe: An Empirical Analysis of Refugee   Characteristics and Asylum Application Outcomes” 决定 23, 23-46, 2015

Heather Smith-Cannoy, 帕特里夏·C. 罗达和查尔斯·安东尼·史密斯. Sex Trafficking and Equity: The Status of Women and State Responses. 即将出版,乔治城大学出版社.


“Setting Pace for Brussels and Strasbourg: Approaches to Gender-Based Asylum Appeals in the European Union.” MPSA, 2017年4月; 六, 2019, 2021

“Refugees, Asylum Determination, and the European Welfare State, ” co-author: Misty Knight-Finley. MPSA2017年4月

“Balancing Human Dignity and National Security: The Determinants of Successful Asylum Claims in Common Law States.” MPSA4月 2016

“Decision-Making Processes and Asylum Claims in Europe: An Empirical Analysis of Refugee Characteristics and Asylum Application Outcomes.” 2015年9月

“Attitude Changes toward Homosexuality among Mexican Youth, 2005-2010: Policy Change and Traditionalism among a New Generation,合著者:安德鲁·弗洛雷斯. MPSA2015年4月

“The Politics of Protection: Asylum Law and the Determinants of Asylum Claim Outcomes in the United States and Europe.” MPSA2015年4月

"The Politics of Asylum: An Empirical Analysis of Refugee Characteristics and Asylum Application Outcomes in the European Union." 2014年8月

“The Politics of Asylum: An Empirical Analysis of Refugee Characteristics and Asylum Application Outcomes in the European Union.” ISA2014年3月


  • Assistant Professor of 国际 Relations, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2020-Present
  • Instructor of 国际 Relations, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2019-2020
  • 访问ing Instructor of 国际 Relations, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2018-2019


  • Pioneering Mind Taskforce, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2018
  • Faculty Advisor, Pi Sigma Alpha, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2018-Present
  • Co-Faculty, NCE 321“当代德国:其文化”, 经济学, 和政治”的课程, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2018
  • Panel Chair and Participant, Inequality Panel, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2018
  • President, 政治科学 研究生 Student Association, Marquette University, 2009-2010
  • Student Faculty Ethics Committee, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2021-Present
  • Faculty Parliamentarian, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2021-Present
  • Pioneer Scholar Student-Faculty Research Grant, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2021
  • Co-Faculty, NCE 313 “Revising Italy: 旅行 Writing in the Italian Tradition” course to Italy, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录, 2019


  • Immigration History Research Center and Archives Grant-in-Aid Award, 明尼苏达大学, 2015-2016
  • Kimball Romney Award for Outstanding Research Paper, 加州大学, 欧文, 2015
  • David Easton Prize for Best Qualifying Paper, 加州大学, 欧文, 2015
  • 加州大学 Human Rights Fellowship, 加州大学, Berkeley, 2014)
  • Partner organization: Williams Institute, 加州大学, Los Angeles School of Law
  • Larie and Dulcie Kugelman Citizen Peacebuilding Research Fellowship, 加州大学, 欧文, 2013-2014
  • Center for Transnational Justice Research Grant, Marquette University, 2010
  • Faculty Development Grant, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 2021-2022
  • Spark Grant,博天堂官方入口登陆登录,2021年


Discussion and debate-based to get students thinking critically about real world events and problems.


I come from a family of educators so it’s in my blood. I really enjoy teaching at the university level because, 尤其是在政治方面, 世界大事, 它们带来的挑战, the complex consequences they create are all becoming real and relevant for our students. I love being a part of their paths to discovering, understanding and challenging the world around them.


I make sure to connect my courses to current events and real world problems. I challenge students to think about the real complexities and challenges of engaging with politics at home and abroad and to consider practical ways they can engage in their communities to make an impact in the issues that matter to them.


I love to travel and I love hearing others’ stories about the places they’ve seen around the world. Living in California for several years destroyed my cold tolerance, so I apologize now for complaining about the cold. 当我有时间时,我喜欢做饭, 神秘小说, movies and exploring the Milwaukee and 沃基肖 areas with friends.
